Stomp Live

Stomp Live is an exhilarating display of musical talent. They can create rhythm and beat from any percussion instrument they can find, including the kitchen sink, literally! I am amazed by the sounds and instruments that they use. I believe my favorite part was when they all came out with kitchen sinks hanging around their necks and rubber gloves on their hands. They created a musical number that was both genius and comical. Not only can Stomp make noise and move to the beat, they can create humor and develop character without saying a single word. I was surprised by how much character and humor they put into their performance, creating a story line and even including audience participation. You had the one guy who was also the odd man out. He wanted it quiet and the others couldn’t stop making noise. He wanted to make noise and the others would make it louder or bigger. I especially liked the scene in which he was sitting trying to read the paper and they were all dancing like monkeys around him, making as much noise as they possibly could with the newspapers. You could tell that it was driving him crazy. Eventually he did get them all to quiet down only to make noise himself. I also liked the scenes that they would hang from the ceiling and make noise on the gigantic wall at the back of the stage. Stomp is definitely a unique and original talent perfect for all audiences.  


September 27, 2010. Movie Reflections.

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